The INDY Alliance

Industry Partners [INDY/IND2] is an alliance of player corporations in the Eve Echoes mobile game universe.

INDY was originally created as a place for ALT characters from multiple large corporations to have a safe home removed from big alliance politics and wars. Over time INDY/IND2 has expanded it's mission to provide a home for any and all industry focused corporations that don't feel welcome in the large military focused alliances.

Currently INDY/IND2 is now a 35 corporation federation of two alliances (to get past the 30 corporation limit) that welcomes solo and micro corps... still with a strong focus on industry and independent neutrality!

Discord sites:

INDY/IND2 Alliance Discord:

Join here All INDY members and friends welcome.

North Venal Discord:

Join here Home of the "Venal Survivors" channels for North Venal friends.

Questions: Send us an email!